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楚門的世界 https://2girl.net/?12935 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS] 信,是未見之事的實底


我們不該冷漠!伊拉克正有數以百計的男人,婦女和孩子被斬首... ... ...

已有 661 次閱讀2017-4-12 18:04 | meditation, 弗朗西斯, everyone, religion, 伊拉克


Today at 9 pm, Pope Francis calls everyone around the world no matter where you are, nor the creed or religion to a moment of meditation or prayer for peace in Syria and the rest of the world. The whole planet will be UNITED IN PRAYER FOR PEACE. If you can forward it, please join us in urgent prayer, because the radical ISIS group has just taken Quaragosh, Iraq's largest Christian city. Where there are hundreds of Christian men, women and children who are being beheaded. It is asking for prayer cover. Please take a minute and pray for them. Pass the message to all your contacts, do not cut the chain. We have been asked to pray, please pray.





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