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I Wanna

熱度 4已有 268 次閱讀2009-9-21 12:23 |

I wanna - The All-American Rejects
I never thought that I was so blind
I can finally see the truth
It’s me for you
Tonight you can’t imagine that I’m by your side
Cuz it’s never gonna be the truth
Too far for you

But can you hear me say?
Don’t throw me away
And there’s no way out
I gotta hold you somehow

I wanna I wanna I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Everyday but all I have is time
Our loves the perfect crime

I wanna I wanna I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Every way and when they set me free
Just put your hands on me

Take everything that I know you’ll break
And I give my life away
So far for you
But can you hear me say
Don’t throw me away
There’s no way out
I gotta hold you somehow

I wanna I wanna I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Everyday but all I have is time
Our loves the perfect crime

I wanna I wanna I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Every way and when they set me free
Just put your hands on me

Tonight I’m weak
It’s just another day without you
That I can’t sleep
I gave the world away for you to
Hear me say
Don’t throw me away
There’s no way out
I gotta hold you somehow

All I wanna do is touch you
I wanna I wanna I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Everyday but I all I have is time
Our loves the perfect crime

I wanna I wanna I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Every way and when they set me free
Just put your hands on me





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回復 Marllo 2009-9-21 12:49
我的手機鈴聲是這首  哈哈哈!
回復 小豬 2009-9-21 12:50
Marllo: 我的手機鈴聲是這首  哈哈哈!
回復 Marllo 2009-9-21 12:52
回復 小豬 2009-9-21 12:58
Marllo: 很好聽啊!!!!!

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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