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Watch your thoughts, for they become words. 注意你的思想,他們會變為言語。
Watch your words, for they become actions. 注意你的言語,他們會變為行動。
Watch your actions, for they become habits. 注意你的行動,他們會變為習慣。
Watch your habits, for they become character. 注意你的習慣,他們會變為性格。
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. 注意你的性格,他們會變為你的命運。
Don't ask me what I'm feeling. Just ask me what I'm thinking.
It used to be about trying to do somethig. 過去人們總試著去做什麼。
Now it's about trying to be someone. 現在的人卻想成為某人。