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發表於 2011-9-24 21:34:35 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Everytime, when I see this group, I am asking myself how long I have to keep myself as a secret.  I am married and have three beautiful kids.  However, from the bottom from my heart, I know I have been a bisexual for past 20 years.   It is very hard if you cannot face yourself and admit your sex orientation.  It is hard when you realize your life is bound with childerns.  It is hard you try to be balance around the boundary.  What a life!

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發表於 2011-11-14 09:39:36 | 顯示全部樓層
網站小提醒:發表文章或日誌時,強烈建議 不要留下電話或個人隱私的資料,避免被有心人竊取喔!
回復 Pang1971 的帖子

"It is very hard if you cannot face yourself and admit your sex orientation.  
It is hard when you realize your life is bound with children.  
It is hard you try to be balance around the boundary".
I totally agree!
The second sentence is particularly to the point.

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 樓主| 發表於 2011-11-26 21:41:59 | 顯示全部樓層
網站小提醒:發表文章或日誌時,強烈建議 不要留下電話或個人隱私的資料,避免被有心人竊取喔!
回復 lgxcwc 的帖子

So, tell me about yourself.  Can you turely face yourself and your family?  Can you be out off the closet without pain and pressure? I cannot.  Maybe I am not brave enough.  Maybe I am a coward.  At least, I try not to hurt anyone else. Anyway, thanks for your command.  It is good to know you. Cheers.  I like to drink, too.

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發表於 2012-4-30 00:16:51 | 顯示全部樓層

Different than your situation, I'm a young bisexual.

But I strongly suspise that my parents both have this intensity because when I told them the truth, they accept it whithin a second.

So I think that maybe this is not such a big deal, maybe I don't have the right to say so, according to my non- experienced, but my familily just live like normal families. My parents are lovely couples like others, and they don't seems like having big deal with it.

P.S, my dad frowned when I asked him if any boy had ever got crushed in him, but my mother tells me stories when I asked her....

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