
樓主: 夜墨宸

[問題] 港澳自由行


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發表於 2012-4-22 20:30:25 | 顯示全部樓層
網站小提醒:發表文章或日誌時,強烈建議 不要留下電話或個人隱私的資料,避免被有心人竊取喔!
回復 夜墨宸 的帖子

Many years ago (10+years), most school uses english as a medium for all lessons (as HK was once a colony of the British so everyone had to learn english).  Putonghua was taught in school but we just had 1/2 lessons a week so didn't learn much.  I think the majority of older people can speak english better than putonghua.
However, for the younger generation, their putonghua level should be better (as we're back to China so more emphasis is put on learning chinese).  I know some schools have already start using putonghua as a medium to teach Chinese.
I guess the hotel industry as well as the service industry will only hire people who can speak fluent putonghua as a large portion of customers are from mainland China.   
I can read some of the Chinese in simplified version but not all as we're still using繁體中文 in HK.
Well, it's not for long that Chinese will become a very important language.  I know some family friends studying in North America and they can now pick Chinese as their 2nd language choice.
My colleague also recommended 清境農場 and told me that there're many special 民宿 but it's just too far from where we were planning to go so we didn't go there.
So the mainland china people didn't give you any tips.  Maybe they don't give tips in China, like Japan, not sure though.  Or maybe you're just unlucky!


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 樓主| 發表於 2012-4-23 12:26:24 | 顯示全部樓層
網站小提醒:2GIRL的網址統一變更為 https://www.2girl.net,請記得更改你的「我的最愛/我的書籤」喔

那這樣香港人會好多語言喔 好厲害 廣東話 普通話 英文(應該很流利)

台灣雖然學英文 但普遍還是沒有很好 大部分都不敢說(我也是[:face00:]) 就讀跟寫的部分比較OK

原來香港是學繁體的中文 我一直以為剩台灣在用繁體字了



歸功於上網看動畫 看漫畫 去土豆網看影片 幾乎都是簡體的翻譯 看不懂意思也猜得出來 我好宅


老外快多學中文 我們就輕鬆了 也不用考一堆英文檢定

清境農場是個好地方 很多羊咩咩 的確有很多特色民宿 只是蓋的有點太多了

很多都違章 如果遇到颱風就比較危險

聽那邊的同事說他們有遇過因豪雨而道路斷裂 被困在上面好幾周 terrible

會不會講一講你就不敢去了  但是夏季蠻適合去避暑的

我實習是七八月 平地超熱 清境農場很涼爽 星星也很大顆很多

但我只有在快下山前才有心情去欣賞 每天忙到都累死了

不給小費就算了還很吵 台灣人也不給 我也習慣了

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發表於 2012-4-23 22:28:55 | 顯示全部樓層
網站小提醒:發表文章或日誌時,強烈建議 不要留下電話或個人隱私的資料,避免被有心人竊取喔!
本帖最後由 LOUISCHXX 於 2012-4-23 22:40 編輯

回復 夜墨宸 的帖子

Although kids start learning english from kindergarten, A lot of people still don't feel comfortable speaking english even after university (I guess that's quite similar in Taiwan).  
The signs in HK are still mostly in 'regular' chinese but the simplified version is added especially for mainland china people so I don't think you'll have any problem reading the signs or street names.
It's seems quite hot in Taichung when I went there 30C, so the weather is better at 清境農場?  My colleague thought it was great fun to be in close contact with the sheep and to feed them (I guess we don't have this kind of experience in HK).  
There seem to be quite a few tourism areas with dangerous routes. Last time when I went to Taipei, I really wanted to go to 九分 but after hearing from friends that there were often accidents, my parents and I were too scared to take the risk.


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 樓主| 發表於 2012-4-24 15:18:47 | 顯示全部樓層


我那個時候是到小學四年級才教 而且還要自己去補習班補kk音標 學校不從音標教起

台灣人也是不太敢說英文 遇到老外會驚慌失措 所以大部分香港人也是不敢說英文囉?


很人來瘋的用了一堆破英文跟他聊天 都不知道當時哪來的勇氣

所以大部分還是繁體中文的標示 那對台灣人來說真是太方便了

清境農場因為在靠近合歡山的山頂 所以氣溫相對涼爽

夏天是都不用吹電風扇的唷 冬天會冷到甚至還要開暖爐的地步

餵羊真的很好玩 而且牠們的毛看起來柔軟 摸起來卻像鋼刷 超粗糙!

唯一的缺點應該就是到處都是羊便便吧 不能在草地上翻滾 不然就真的變"屎人"


九份我是還沒去過 我只知道那邊的特產是金瓜石

那邊比較靠近東半部 可能山路比較狹窄比較會有落石的危險吧

但通常是處於颱風季節 大量豪雨或地震所致 平常時候應該是還不至於很危險

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發表於 2012-4-24 23:08:30 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 夜墨宸 的帖子

I guess people are mostly shy when they have to speak a language other than their mother tongue.  
Although I'd learnt some putonghua before, I still lack the confidence in speaking it and when being asked by people from mainland china for directions, I had to use some english together with putonghua.  I don't think I can speak it well and find the 聲調very difficult.
You seem very brave to have the guts to chat with a foreigner!   You must be a very outgoing person.
From my experience in Taiwan, I really think Taiwanese are quite friendly.[:face00:]
I'd warn you to be more careful if you meet strangers in HK as it's quite different here.
We don't really have a zoo or places to be really close with animals and I'm not even sure if there are any sheep in HK.  There are quite a few botanical, zoological parks with some animals and of course in Ocean Park as well but I don't think I'd ever seen a sheep before in any of them.  I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to touch them although they look so cute.


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 樓主| 發表於 2012-4-25 19:49:59 | 顯示全部樓層



而且我覺得廣東話聽起來好特別 有種奇妙的感覺

那時候純粹是太high 才敢跟外國人搭訕


其實我是很內向的 有時候某條神經斷掉才會發瘋


所以香港是沒有能親近動物的園區囉 都是關在柵欄裡的那種?


台灣有不少牧場都是能跟動物接觸的唷 只是都很臭阿

最近還有超火紅的草泥馬 在台中月眉那邊

摸羊咩咩真的很好玩阿 還有餵牠吃東西 只是毛真的不軟就是了

而且他們是定時就會把一整群羊放出來 很壯觀

而且還可以騎馬 但要額外付費

我看有大人騎迷你馬 覺得馬好可憐 感覺都快被壓扁了

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發表於 2012-4-30 23:35:41 | 顯示全部樓層
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I speak in Cantonese.  It's my mother tongue.  It's actually more difficult to speak in Cantonese cause it has more 聲調 than mandarin.  The sound is quite harsh.  So that's why men always like taiwanese or mainland china women more because the language they speak is more 溫柔 compared to HK women speaking in cantonese.
So you're a shy person?    
I guess you should always be careful when you travel abroad and HK is not a very safe city (compared to Taichung) so you should be really careful with strangers and I'd advice you not to go out late at night with your friend if you're both girls.
I think there's a section in Ocean Park where you can have close contact with the sea animals but probably not for other animals.  Other than that, all the animals in parks are in cages.  
So you must like animals.  I think you'll enjoy your visit to Ocean Park.
I'm sometimes scared of touching the animals cause just don't know when they'll lose control and attack me.


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 樓主| 發表於 2012-5-1 12:59:32 | 顯示全部樓層

噢~所以你是用廣東話交談 那你的英文怎麼學得這麼好?

雖然是從小學學到現在了 但我的英文還是不怎樣

之前我們學校有廣東話教學 本來想去學學

因為我覺得廣東話實在太特別了 但卡到其它課的時間所以就沒去上了

所以廣東男生比較喜歡大陸跟台灣女生喔? 我第一次聽說 真有趣

那應該更喜歡日本女生吧 日文說起來更溫柔[:face00:]

我嘛..也不是害羞拉 應該是悶騷 不熟很內向 熟了就很high 大部分的人好像都是這樣喔?

的確出國要小心注意 那你覺得台灣跟香港哪邊治安比較好?

所以如果晚上還待在外面的話 會很危險嗎? 因為我們最後一天可能會逛到很晚  在搭隔天中午的飛機回來

我們一行人都是女生沒錯 阿但是我是長得不像的那個 所以我應該比較安全

我已經迫不及待想去海洋公園了 那邊感覺太棒了

雖然台灣的六福村也是跟動物園結合但是並沒有海洋的部分也沒有熊貓 而且票價還差不了多少


所以你不敢摸動物囉?其實羊咩咩很溫馴 而且也只顧著吃草



那種真的有點恐怖 因為你一拿草全部的羊就湊過來 把你團團圍住 一大群

感覺都快被羊圍剿了 趕緊把草丟到遠方在脫逃

我有看到好像是泰國吧 東南亞國家 有點忘了 好像有老虎廟

那邊有養真正的老虎 而且是沒綁住的 還可以給遊客摸


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發表於 2012-6-26 22:53:06 | 顯示全部樓層
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你好啊 去年澳門自由行回來...我記得機加酒 大約是13 還是15 吧 三天兩夜 住威尼斯人
澳門真的很不錯優 不過 一時也說不清 你有想知道到什麼低嗎 在加我mn 聊囉

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 樓主| 發表於 2012-6-27 21:56:56 | 顯示全部樓層
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不過我五月底已經去玩樂回來囉 香港五天四夜


你說的13 是13萬的意思嘛...?


也是 13萬也太誇張XD 所以你想去不丹? 其實香港我去的點不算多 耗了兩天在遊樂園XD 維多利亞港的夜景也沒看到(殘念)  發表於 2012-7-3 21:05
是1萬3....13萬 我都可以去不丹了... 香港 我還沒去過呢 改天可以向你請教囉...  發表於 2012-6-27 22:05

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