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1.16 6:30PM Salute To Broadway - Movie Sings 聽電影


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Salute To Broadway - Movie Sings 聽電影。

All-Taiwanese-Cast Musical Showcase

The last and grandest show of #SaluteToBway, Movie Sings. This time, we'll bring all the familiar movie scenes on stage. 9 songs from musicals that are put on big screens, such as, Chicago, Ghost and more! 1.16 6:30 pm: Friday night, is a musical and movie night! Bring your popcorn and join us!

Besides, #MovieSings will also be the opening show of 2015 Taiwanese Student Film Exhibition. It's the end of #SaluteToBway, but the beginning of talented Taiwanese young artists' art works. Stay and check it out after out show!

Time: January 16th 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Seating: Begin at 6:00 PM
Admission: FREE Entry. RSVP Suggested
Location: Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York
1 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017

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SaluteToBroadway 最終曲:聽電影。這次我們要將熟悉的電影場景搬上TECO舞台!聽音樂劇,應該就像上電影院般輕鬆愜意。9首歌曲,都選自曾被搬上大螢幕的電影,這將是Salute To Broadway 最終,也是最精采的演出。帶上你的爆米花,1月16 6:30pm,我們TECO 見!

此外,聽電影。將會是「聚焦。紐約」2015台灣學人影展的開幕演出。這是 #SaluteToBway 的終點,但會是台灣年輕藝術家走上國際的起點。


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