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[一般電影] fw: 華氏九一一, 科倫拜校園殺人事件 & Roger & Me


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發表於 2007-5-11 03:20:19 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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I just recently watch 2 DVDs, Bowling for Columbine & Roger and Me.  Farenheit 911 is very powerful and unforgetable movie.  Watching Bowlling for Colubmine, it makes me wanting to move to Canada.  :D

Roger and Me is pretty old movie, talking about GM chairman Roger Smith.  i wonder "Roger" is still alive. :D

I do not see any people posting comments about Micahel Moore.  Does anyone watch his movie?

I wrote email to Michael Moore last year asking him if he could produce a movie about same sex marriage, but I never receive his
response. I guess our "topic" is too sensitive to talk about and probably might not attract the audience.  :o


工人導演麥克摩爾(本文刊登於7/09 聯副)

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發表於 2007-9-29 00:38:47 | 顯示全部樓層
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原帖由 Greg 於 2007-5-11 03:20 發表
I just recently watch 2 DVDs, Bowling for Columbine & Roger and Me.  Farenheit 911 is very powerful and unforgetable movie.  Watching Bowlling for Colubmine, it makes me wanting to move to Canada ...


i love this one n watched 3 times at least.:P

i like the issue they've brought up.

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 樓主| 發表於 2007-10-6 21:46:10 | 顯示全部樓層
網站小提醒:發表文章或日誌時,強烈建議 不要留下電話或個人隱私的資料,避免被有心人竊取喔!
huh? which one, Farenheit 911?  :@@?:

so you like Michael Moore movie?  did you watch Sicko?  :D

原帖由 cloudead 於 2007-9-29 00:38 發表


i love this one n watched 3 times at least.:P

i like the issue they've brought up.

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發表於 2008-7-23 11:01:40 | 顯示全部樓層
Michael Moore 我只能說他夠勇敢

勇於揪出真相 讓無辜的人還一個清白

自己也跳下去當演員  這部電腦很具教育性


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 樓主| 發表於 2008-7-25 01:19:21 | 顯示全部樓層
yeah, I like to see micheal moore movie.  you know what, his newest movie sicko, you can watch it in tudou.com now!  :heyhey:

原帖由 Ada861 於 2008-7-23 11:01 發表
Michael Moore 我只能說他夠勇敢

勇於揪出真相 讓無辜的人還一個清白

自己也跳下去當演員  這部電腦很具教育性


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發表於 2008-7-25 10:33:53 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Greg 於 2008-7-25 01:19 發表
yeah, I like to see micheal moore movie.  you know what, his newest movie sicko, you can watch it in tudou.com now!  :heyhey:

感覺妳在 tudou發現很多寶


妳除了micheal moore 還欣賞哪個導演? :一"一:

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 樓主| 發表於 2008-7-25 11:26:46 | 顯示全部樓層
hmmm, beside michael moore, I like Guillermo Del Toro, Peter Jackson, James Cameron, Alice Wu & Tim Burton.  what about you?  :heyhey:  

原帖由 Ada861 於 2008-7-25 10:33 發表

感覺妳在 tudou發現很多寶


妳除了micheal moore 還欣賞哪個導演? :一"一:

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發表於 2008-7-25 11:42:22 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Greg 於 2008-7-25 11:26 發表
hmmm, beside michael moore, I like Guillermo Del Toro, Peter Jackson, James Cameron, Alice Wu & Tim Burton.  what about you?  :heyhey:  



不過我喜歡喜劇導演Adam Sandler  劇情又賤  又加點溫馨  又有點教育意義

Jay Roach  他的劇情很低級  不過真的看了壓力都沒了

Formula 17   t導

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 樓主| 發表於 2008-7-25 11:50:51 | 顯示全部樓層
ha, ha.. Adam Sandler is my wife favor too!  ::D:   i like his performances on wedding singer and waterboy.  ::D:

Jay Roach, he is Austin powers director?  yeah, I love austin powers!  his latest movie, borat, it has highest boxoffie and good rating too.  but I did not have chance to watch it.  may be I should watch it in tudou!  :heyhey:   

原帖由 Ada861 於 2008-7-25 11:42 發表



不過我喜歡喜劇導演Adam Sandler  劇情又賤  又加點溫馨  又有點教育意義

Jay Roach  他的劇情很低級  不過真的看了壓力都沒了

Formula 17   t導 ...

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發表於 2008-7-25 11:57:24 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Greg 於 2008-7-25 11:50 發表
ha, ha.. Adam Sandler is my wife favor too!  ::D:   i like his performances on wedding singer and waterboy.  ::D:

Jay Roach, he is Austin powers director?  yeah, I love austin powers!  his latest mo ...

對阿 wedding singer 這部很好笑  牧師一直強調" 它是圓的".....哈哈哈~~~~~~

waterboy  這很經典....

妳有沒有看過 Click

有一段超溫馨   我都差點哭了


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